Professional translation of languages

Translation of Languages. Get a quote today! BBT is an American translation agency that provides accurate professional and reliable translations to or from English for individuals and businesses. Contact us for any professional language translation that you may need. We are members of ATA - American Translators Association.

Professional Translations of Languages by BBT Translation Services

We provide professional language translation of documents for immigration such as translations of birth certificates, official translation, notarized translation of any personal document. Also, we offer translations of diplomas and transcripts, translation of personal letters, marriage or divorce or death certificate, and any personal document without prejudice from its origin. Our translations bear a raised seal on the certification.

Contact us today for any question or concern you may have.

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Our Promise for confidentiality

We are an online translation agency

We are located in the USA and if you need a translation that can stand up to the USA standards for translation you don't have to look any further. Our online system allows you to order purchase and receive your translation right where you are. Our translations can be used throughout the entire United States. Our team of translators consist of native speakers and culturally sensitive translators who are skilled in translation of medical, legal and financial subjects.

Certified and Notarized Translations

Ordering a Certified Translation

A certified translation is a translation of a document that includes a Certificate of Accuracy signed by the translator attesting to the accuracy of the translation, while mentioning his/her credentials and qualifications to translate your document. The Certificate of Accuracy bears our stamps and our signatures. It is placed in our letterhead. Most of the time it is a mirror image of the original document. Some documents are translated word for word.

Yes. Most of our certified translations include a notary signature. The notary signature is from the State of Florida and is accepted in the entire United States, Canada and some European countries.

Yes. We are members of ATA - American Translators Association, the well recognized translators association in the United States.

Guarantee only applies to USCIS, employers and university records evaluation/review boards. If your translation is for a state, county or city office (especially DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles)), or for an individual college or university please contact them first to ensure that they will accept a translation that is certified and notarized in the State of Florida.

Here is a partial list of the languages that we use to translate:

Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Abkhazian, Albanian, Amharic, Hebrew, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Castilian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, English, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, Georgian, Greek, Greenlandic, Haitian, Hawaiian, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Korean, Kurdish, Latin, Lithuanian, Malay, Moldavian, Mongolian, Nepali, Nigerian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Panjabi, Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Samoan, Sardinian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, SpanishSwedish, Tahitian, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Yiddish


We provide professional translation of languages from the following countries:

Bahamas, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria Cape Verde, China (Hong Kong), China (Macao), Colombia, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic Denmark, Dominica, Dominican Republic Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia Fiji, Finland, France, FYR of Macedonia Georgia, Germany, Greece, Grenada Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy Japan Kazakhstan, Korea, Republic of, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg Malawi, Macao (China), Macedonia (FYR of), Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Republic of, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niue, Norway Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal Romania, Russian Federation Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Serbia, Seychelles, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK), United States of America (USA),Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela